Nate - I'm LDS. That website is just a set of viewpoints that I've heard before and have some value and some tosh - the bit about the Mormons is as blase and misinformative as you would expect from someone just shooting spitballs at people to prove their belief system is correct.
Hi Qcmbr
I'm the Nate Merit that is the co-writer of a LOT of the material on SET FREE FROM JESUS!
Mark Smith, the site owner, has been my best bud for 32 years, since I was 20. Mark send all his materials to me for testing and suggestions before posting. Mark periodically holds public debates with ministers and fundiot 'scholars' of various types and shadings.
If you live in southern Cal, why not email Mark Smith at [email protected] and arrange a public debate between him and your Stake President? Mark LIVES to stomp hell out of fundiots.
He won the entire state of Florida in Lincoln-Douglas debate back when he was in college, and he has gotten far deadlier as the years have gone by.
So, please inform Mark Smith as to his mistakes. If they are in fact mistakes, you can bet Mark will fix things PRONTO! I am on him like stupid on a fundy when I find he has made a mistake. NO don't be chicken and tell ME his mistakes, tell HIM. Thank you.
Also, if you are not currently or formerly a JW, you must be here fishing for converts from among the former JW's.
BTW, I have a sneaking admiration for your ballsy founder, Joe Smith. A fascinating character. Brother Brigham too. But, my fav is Orrin Porter Rockwell. I'm convinced I'm his reincarnation. When my next book comes out, which is a recounting of my JW daze, you'll see why I would even remotely entertain such a notion.
"Keep on dreaming and someday you just might amount to nothing" Rev Jebediah Thunder DD (Dead Drunk)
Nate Merit
JoinedPosts by Nate Merit
Is the Bible True?
by UnDisfellowshipped inis the bible true?
i encourage everyone to post on this thread the main reasons why you do believe that the bible is the true inspired word of god.. i want to examine both sides of this subject, so i am also posting another thread entitled "is the bible false?
" at:
Nate Merit
Jehovah and Satan were the same in the Bible? Jewish Polytheism
by VM44 ini have read a few postings (which of course i cannot find now) concerning the early jewish beliefs were of a polytheistic nature.
many gods were believed in, and jehovah was only one.
i also recall that mention was made that the ancient jewish believed that satan and jehovah were the same god!
Nate Merit
Acharya S has endorsed my newest book Jehovah UNmasked, and that's quite a feather in my cap!
NNNNNNNNate the Great -
Jehovah and Satan were the same in the Bible? Jewish Polytheism
by VM44 ini have read a few postings (which of course i cannot find now) concerning the early jewish beliefs were of a polytheistic nature.
many gods were believed in, and jehovah was only one.
i also recall that mention was made that the ancient jewish believed that satan and jehovah were the same god!
Nate Merit
"Those who can, DO. Those who can't, BECOME ARMCHAIR CRITICS!" -Roger Ebert
I know Acharya S in real life, and even know her secret identity. I sure as Hades don't see YOU writing any books and managing to get them published. Acharya S has done everyone a tremendous service in both her books, as well as her website.
I'm quite sure Fundiot "scholars" give her no credibility at all. That's certainly not so with REAL scholars. Granted, The Christ Conspiracy is not a perfect work, but whose is? YOURS? LOL. RRRRight.NNNNNNate
"Keep on dreamin' mate and someday you might actually amount to nothing!" -
Jehovah and Satan were the same in the Bible? Jewish Polytheism
by VM44 ini have read a few postings (which of course i cannot find now) concerning the early jewish beliefs were of a polytheistic nature.
many gods were believed in, and jehovah was only one.
i also recall that mention was made that the ancient jewish believed that satan and jehovah were the same god!
Nate Merit
What faith am I? "What kind of fool am I?" LOL
I ain't gots no faith mate. Aw don'ts believe in faith. Crikey, a bloke could mess up 'es life wif dat sort o spookery in 'es 'ead.
"Faith is believing what you know ain't so" Mark Twain aka Samuel Clemens.
"I believe I'll have another beer" Rev. Jebediah Thunder DD (dead drunk)
psssst..I'm a Gnostic..we don't have faith. -
Is the Bible True?
by UnDisfellowshipped inis the bible true?
i encourage everyone to post on this thread the main reasons why you do believe that the bible is the true inspired word of god.. i want to examine both sides of this subject, so i am also posting another thread entitled "is the bible false?
" at:
Nate Merit
If you are serious, and not simply trying to convert people back to Joe Hovah and the Brooklyn Oracles, here's a website that will keep you busy for several hours, blowing the Bible systematically into it's constituent parts: stinking bits of brain-dung.
Nate -
by Nate Merit infor the fundamentalist christians reading this post who do not like my hermeneutics (principles of biblical interpretation), i challenge you to look up all the passages of the old testament that are quoted in the new testament.
read the surrounding context of each quotation as it appears in the old testament.
you will be shocked to discover that the context of the verses in the old testament almost never correspond to the way the verses are actually used in the new testament.
Nate Merit
BRAVO Abbadon!
by Nate Merit infor the fundamentalist christians reading this post who do not like my hermeneutics (principles of biblical interpretation), i challenge you to look up all the passages of the old testament that are quoted in the new testament.
read the surrounding context of each quotation as it appears in the old testament.
you will be shocked to discover that the context of the verses in the old testament almost never correspond to the way the verses are actually used in the new testament.
Nate Merit
I don't see any similarities between the historical-grammatical context and the way the NT writers used this verse. "Context" is not confined to simply a few verses immediately fore and aft, but the wider context as well.
Also, the Hebrew word almah doesn't mean virgin, it simply means maiden or young woman. The gospel authors bypassed the Hebrew text for the Septuagint, completely and utterly destroying the actual context. By the way, the context of this verse has to do with events occuring back in Isaiah's time, not a future time. This person, being still a fundy, is still utterly unable to remove the fundy-glasses for even a few moments and see what Isaiah (minus Matt) is talking about.
Also, this fundy who wrote you should get back to me as soon as they meet the challenge, which is to read ALL of the OT verses quoted in the NT in both their immediate and distant context. Fundies are too used to seeing verses in isolation, as disconnected Oracular statements rather than as the web and woof of a wider work.
Yours NOT in Joe Hovah,
Nate -
by Nate Merit infor the fundamentalist christians reading this post who do not like my hermeneutics (principles of biblical interpretation), i challenge you to look up all the passages of the old testament that are quoted in the new testament.
read the surrounding context of each quotation as it appears in the old testament.
you will be shocked to discover that the context of the verses in the old testament almost never correspond to the way the verses are actually used in the new testament.
Nate Merit
Hi Narkissos
As a Gnostic, I'm all for an idividualized, non-authoritarian, nonliteral approach to matters spiritual. I go into quite a bit of detail in my book as to how Christianity was snatched from the hands of Gnostics by clunk-thud-bang Literalists to become the most dogmatic and authoritarian religion the world had ever seen. Before the advent of Islam.
Right now I'm ten chapters deep into writing a book about my expriences as a WTBTS apparatchik. I was not your typical JW. I became involved at fifteen, left at sixteen and a half to enjoy the whole sex-drugs-rock n roll scene, then became involved again several months before my eighteenth birthday, and then was disfellowshipped a few months after my nineteenth birthday for more of same. Getting disfellowshipped sent my mind compltely down the tubes for about six months because this was in 1973, just a couple years before 1975. I believed all that Armaggedon Madness with my whole being.
Anyway, I root for the Brooklyn Oracles to lose.
Nate -
"Jehovah Unmasked!"
by sf in
the author, nathaniel j. merritt, has been hitchhiking his way to enlightenment since he was a teen.
Nate Merit
Sounds a bit like Charles Taze Russell. Became disgruntled with the religion he had. Goes off and looks at others, including Eastern religions. And what did he come up with !!
(You must be a chain-jerker, or not very bright. So, you must be a chain-jerker. Sorry to disappoint a would-be follower such as yourself, but I'm not forming any cult or even a church. Been there did that when I was a Baptist minister and Buddhist priest. Now that you're free of Watchtower bondage, why not investigate what various spiritual paths have to offer? ry a few on for size? I went the "bitter and cynical" route for awhile as you are doing, but ultimately it runis your life. Take care. -Nate -
I have *found Jehovah*!!!
by tetrapod.sapien inafter much searching high and low, i have finally found jehovah.
he was there all along, but i was too arrogant to see him, and his greatness.. i am so sorry to the people with whom i debated his obvious and holy existence.. he has been on wikipedia all this time.. please see, and witness this.
praise jah you peoples!.
Nate Merit
Jah do'n sweat de small stuff mon. Every'ting be irie mon.
Nate 'Jah Rules' Merit